Ipe Sealer for Exotic Hardwood Decks and Porches
$22.34 – 16 oz. with Applicator Brush – Covers approx. 65 cuts.
$24.64 – Quart (without Applicator Brush) – Covers approx. 130 cuts.
$171.99 – 5 Gallon Bucket – Covers approx. 2,600 cuts.
Now available in 5 gallon buckets–see below.
Wax applied to all of your Brazilian boards that you have cross cut is probably the most important thing that we can tell you.
Wax applied immediately after cutting your boards will drastically reduce the amount of checking or cracking on the ends of your boards.
The Ipe sealer for exotic hardwood decks and porches is like a thick paint that you paint on to the ends.
All boards are a little longer than you order so when you trim them to get a nice square edge you still have the full length that you ordered (Ex. and 8′ board will be anywhere from 8′ 1/2″ to 8′ 2″ and will need to be trimmed).
**Applying the wax carefully on the ends of your boards will avoid having to sand the top of your deck later. The wax will repel your UV Finisher — being careful while applying it will save work in the end.

This is the best and least expensive thing you should definitely do for your deck as you are building it.
These post caps are the perfect finishing touch for your stone post covers.

Ipe Seal™ is a wax emulsion sealer proven to increase the structural integrity of hardwood decking. Once applied to freshly cut, exposed wood end grain, Ipe Seal™ creates a bond that extends the life of each deck board while also preventing end-checking (splitting) and unsightly cracks. Always use Ipe Seal™ End Grain Sealer to Protect the exposed grain on end cuts of hardwood decking as soon as you cross cut your boards. One quart of end sealer covers approx 500 square feet of decking. It is highly recommended that end grain cuts are protected in order to prevent checks and splits.
The end seal is kind of a dual protection product, it stops excess moisture from getting into your boards while at the same time helps prevent your wood from drying out and cracking or checking on the ends.
*IMPORTANT – PLEASE NOTE: This video says to apply wax to exposed ends BUT it means to apply to all ends that have been exposed by cross cutting them, not just to ends exposed to the weather. Apply wax to ALL ends that have been cut.