Tali decking is imported from Central and West Africa. It is a preferred decking choice in many European countries.
Tali has an appealing mahogany-like grain character. The wood is photosensitive and darkens with continued exposure to light and will gray out over time if a UV Oil is not applied. Tali is very dense, stable and durable. It is also resistant to fungi, termites, and dry wood borers. The structure of the wood is very uniform without any distinctive markings. It is great for your next outdoor project.
Janka hardness of 2,920
Durability Class is the same as Ipe and Cumaru.
Stable, with little movement.
1 x 6 – $3.96 l.f. (add .40 l.f. if grooved, .50 l.f. for T&G)
S4S / E4E