New Contractor Buckets Now Available - See Below!
$133.95 -175 pc. (Discounted prices available when ordered with our hardwoods).
$81.95-100 pc. (Extreme, Extreme KD and Extreme 4)
We do offer discounts when purchased with our decking.
DeckWise® Hidden Fasteners have a stainless steel reinforced middle and are tested to be up to 3x stronger than other hidden fastening systems. Unlike some all metal deck fasteners, which can have a reaction with certain woods, the Ipe Clip® is molded of a malleable plastic polymer resin coating (with UV and chemical resistant qualities), which allows the natural expansion and contraction of natural wood decking. This coating, which is available in 3 colors, also gives your clips even more of a hidden look.
Ipe Clips are made specifically for Brazilian Hardwoods to give your deck a clean, sleek look with no screw heads showing. Our clips are made to go into the grooves that can be milled in the sides of your boards (or you can use a biscuit joiner). The Ipe Clip Extreme fits into the groove while the stainless steel screw goes through your hardwood and then into your joist to hold your hardwood boards securely in place. Ipe Clip is made for Ipé which is air dried and leaves a 3/32 of an inch gap while the Extreme 4 works on both kiln dried and air dried wood and has a 5/32 of an inch spacing between your boards (this is the clip used for Hidden Clip Decking Pattern which even hides the gap between your boards) . The Extreme KD is made for your kiln dried hardwoods such as Tigerwood, Garapa (use 316SS) and Massaranduba creating a ¼” gap between your boards.
Ipe Clips are available in brown, gray and black. Plugs are made out of the Brazilian Hardwoods and the appropriate plugs are shipped to match your wood and are included in the 175 pc. kits.
All Ipé Clips are also available with a 316 Stainless Steel Screw which is for use with Garapa or any deck that is near saltwater. $127.00 316 SS 175 pc. or $77.50 316SS 100 pc. For larger contractor buckets, see below.
Components Included (175) Ipe Clip® Extreme™
- (175) Ipe Clip® Extreme™ Hidden Deck Fasteners
- (190) Stainless Steel T10 – Star Drive Screws
- (12) 3/8″ Tapered Ipé Plugs
- (1) 1/8″ High Speed Drill Bit
- (1) Screw Gun Driver Bit
- (1) Instruction Sheet
If you need screws for metal joists with your Ipe Clips, just let us know!
Extreme KD and Extreme 175 pc. and 100 pc. kits include 3 spacers. Extreme 4 has 5/32″ spacers and KD has 1/4″ spacers.
Tip: Due to the high density of the hardwoods, always pre-drill for your screws before installing them with your clips.
If your joists are 16″ on center, one box of 175 pc. will cover 100 sq. ft.

Contractor Buckets
Building a large deck, no problem!
Our new contractor buckets are just what you need for your next big project! Our 525 piece contract kit will cover 300 sq.ft. if you are 16″ on center with your joists and our 1,050 pc. bucket will cover 600 sq. ft. if you are 16″ o.c. with your joists. The perfect clips for your perfect deck!

Two Gallon Contractor Bucket
525 - Hidden Deck Fasteners
565 - SS Screws
3 - T15 Star Drive Tips
3 - 1/8" High Speed Drill Bits
SALE--$394.25 per kit

Ipe Seal - End Wax
1,050 - Hidden Deck Fasteners
1,130 - SS Screws
5 - T15 Star Drive Tips
5 - 1/8" High Speed Drill Bits
SALE--$750.00 per kit. (Regular price $788.95).
We do offer discounts when purchased with our decking. If you need screws for metal joists, please let us know.
Extreme KD and Extreme S buckets include 6 spacers. Extreme S include 5/32" spacers and KD has 1/4" spacers .

1/4" Spacers

5/32" Spacers
All are available in Brown, Gray or Black

3/32" or 2.38mm gap spacing.
Recommended for use with Air Dried Decking.
Hardened stainless steel insert.
Made from UV & chemical resistant glass filled polypropylene.
Square shape provides more surface
contact for extra holding power.

1/4" or 6.35mm gap spacing
Recommended for use with Kiln Dried Decking.
Hardened stainless steel insert.
Made from UV & chemical resistant polyethylene.
Hollow leg is ideal for expansion of kiln dried decking materials.

5/32" or 4.00mm gap spacing
Recommended for use with Kiln Dried and Vanish Decking.
Hardened stainless steel insert.
Made from UV & chemical resistant polyethylene.
Versatile Leg ensures maximum compatibility with most decking materials.
Reliable Deck Board Spacing
The reason Ipe Clip® Extreme™ invisible clips set a smaller gap between deck boards than Ipe Clip® ExtremeKD™ or the Extreme4™ clip is because different decking materials require different gap spacing due to expansion and contraction of the wood species. The Extreme™ (3/32” (2,4mm) spacer) is designed for small gaps such as on hardwood decking such as Ipe, while the Extreme4™ uses a 5/32” (4mm) gap (for use with Hidden Clip Decking) and the ExtremeKD™ can be used with kiln dried hardwoods such as Tigerwood, Garapa (any kiln dried hardwood) for a 1/4” (6,4mm) gapping. For example, air dried decking material will tend to contract on its width more than kiln dried material (which can also expand) so a smaller gap space between boards is required. These deck clips are installed with one side of the decking board, free to contract and expand on its width as needed.
There are Advantages To DeckWise® Invisible Fastener Clips
Shape: Due to the size and shape of our clips, the square biscuit Ipe Clip® brand speeds up your install and eases installation problems associated with other decking fastener method. The smaller shape allows for approximately 1″ of tolerance in the positioning of the slots cut by a biscuit joiner or router.
Other unseen fastening methods do not allow for much tolerance in the cutting of the edge slots, which can complicate and slow down your installation.
Color: Our Clips are available in 3 colors: Hardwood Brown, Composite Grey or “shadowline” Black to help you match the desired look of your exotic hardwood deck.
Tools & Accessories: Our fastener kits can be ordered in multiple combinations of clip colors, screw types and lengths and screw head colors, screw bits and tips, gap spacer sizes, as well as face screwing and leader board wooden hole plugs.
We carry a full line of accessories so that you can fill all of your decking material needs all at once with our other great items such as a hardwood oil finish (Ipe Oil™), an end grain sealant (Ipe Seal™, wood cleaner and brighteners and much more.
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